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Building Self-Esteem

So many of our children today are suffering from low self-esteem, and we can help them! The great news is that nobody is born with feelings of low self-worth. Low self-worth is a pattern of thinking that can develop. Babies have natural confidence, with a sense of feeling that they have something to accomplish. We give them a crayon and they color. They don’t think, “Maybe I won’t do a good enough job.” They also don’t have thoughts such as, “That other baby is cuter than me, smarter than me, or more capable than me.” They just take the crayon and color. When they feel strong enough they get up and start walking. When they fall, they get up and try again. All this is natural without any unhelpful thoughts about themselves, their worth, or their abilities.

Then babies grow into toddlers and they go off to playgroup and school, where they have all kinds of experiences. They have all sorts of experiences and interactions in their home lives,...

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Summer Tips for Surviving and Thriving With Your Children